Let's Change Our Minds

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Love’s Revolution

Thoughts about the power of choosing love

The most revolutionary thing you could do, the most impactful act there is, is to choose love.

Choose love over fear, choose love over doubt, over insecurity, over pain, over memories.

To choose love, to live in love, is setting you free from resentment, free from the urge to consume - free to buy or eat unhealthy stuff in order to numb or entertain yourself.

Choosing love takes courage, but the reward is endlessly.

It’s about loving yourself, loving your environment, loving the people present in your life, loving the universe.

Choosing your well-being over outside experiences, your inner peace over visible circumstances.

If you are in the mood of love, you can easily say no to all the offers that are not doing you well and not beneficial to you in anyway, because you are in harmony with the universe - you are aligned with yourself.

If you are acting from a higher perspective, you are feeling what your higher self feels, you’re connecting to your intuition, to your purpose, to the real you.

From that point of view what you do is wise, not reactive. From here, you are empowering yourself, giving yourself permission to co-create your experiences, your connections, your dreams, your life.

Hopefully, this little praise on this most important of all feelings has inspired you to reframe some, maybe unideal, experiences.

If you are able to set aside what your paradigms, your old belief systems, want you to do and feel and instead choose, even for a moment, to look at your life from the perspective of all that is,

From the perspective of the loving universe, you will find many benefits, insights and opportunities to reframe your past and live a more empowered, conscious life.

Wishing you lots of fun with this,

much love,
