Let's Change Our Minds

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5 Ways of connecting to the Divine Feminine

Being a women in this day and age you may very likely have experienced some of the following points on a regular basis:

-being valued based your performance

-being judged by your looks

-being looked down to because you showed your emotions

-power plays to succeed in your job/task

Well, you may think, I have - and what’s the deal? Hasn’t this happened to all of us?

Yeah, maybe.

In this Blog Post I’d like to present to you 5 ways to re-align with your feminine nature, with the divine feminine essence.

The thing is: all of this is based on a masculine oriented system we have lived in for many centuries.

No, I do not judge the masculine path in any way.

On the contrary, I find great value and learnings in the yang-ways of life.

My main focus in this post is to bring your awareness to the fact that we are living in a world full of systems of masculine energy.

And that we, as women, are trying, or being obliged to, fit into that.

When this, by design, is contrary to our own nature.

We women are magical creatures, - full of ancient wisdom, with the power to manifest spiritual beings into a physical form through birth, operating by natural rhythms, drawing energy from nature and communication, social connections and rituals.

But: how much of this do you feel is part of our daily life?

Living in big cities, working 9-5 while maybe also caring for the family, working out, networking for your success, educating ourselves, trying to fit in….

So living in a world full of validation through performance, success, looks and materialism

- how can you balance the energies and honor your feminine source?

Your divine power of being the creatrix of your life?

A sister who co-creates a safe space for the community to life in?

With everything that is happening in our world right now,

we need - more than ever - the qualities of kindness, harmony, community,

soft power, intuition and wellbeing of the collective over performance of the few.

Here, I want to gift you with some inspirations on how to awake and embody your feminine essence.

To help elevate your vibration, but also the collective vibration, to a higher level.

To inspire and activate the healing of us all, to unite all beings on earth a little bit more by opening our hearts and being a leader of this transformation, this spiritual awakening, we are undergoing.

How to life according to your divine feminine plan?

Here are 5 ways to connect to your feminine essence:


  2. SELF LOVE IN ALL REALMS: physical, spiritual, emotional




In short: HONOR YOURSELF. This is equal to honoring the world at large.

You are not only a part of this magnificent universe, you are the embodiment of all of nature’s wisdom.

You are a reflection of everything.

Therefore, the better you take care for yourself, hear your needs, honor your souls calling - the better the collective will feel.

Prioritizing your wellbeing is not at all a selfish thing - on the contrary, it is one of the most divine, wise things you can do.

When you do it on your heart’s level.

Below, you find further guidance on how to align which each of the 5 ways to connect with the divine feminine.

Observe your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Where did you, in retrospective, already new that something is working out / or not working out for you?

Has your gut feeling given you a sign that you could have listened to?

From taking another bus to prioritizing something before another thing, from the book you grab off of your shelf to the friend you wanted to call for weeks .

There are millions of tiny things we are deciding each day. And all of those we can decide based on logic, habit or: intuition.

How are you programmed to choose?

The way you treat yourself is of utmost importance.

Your body is your temple, it is the vessel of your spiritual essence.

Taking care of yourself is a sacred practice. And also very overlooked and underrated.

You are not selfish by taking time for yourself. You are honoring the container which holds your spirit.

The better you feel in your body, the better version of yourself you can be. Feeling healthy, fit, at ease, is imperative for spiritual growth. And also for the wellbeing of the ones that you surround yourself with.

So take tame for yourself and take care for your spiritual body. Through meditation, prayer, study, stillness.

Care for your Emotional Body through time in nature, resting, connecting to your soul tribe, surrounding yourself with loved ones and letting go of past trauma and negative mind chatter.

Also honor your physical body: Exercise, pleasure yourself if you like, eat as high-quality and plant-based as you can and breathe deeply.

Your body is the best example for how deeply we are intertwined with the rhythms of the universe.

Honoring the phases of your moon cycle and adjust your actions around the difference periods and energy levels may not be common at all in your area of living, but it still is a very wise thing to do.

All women experience different levels of energy, mood, creativity, urge of connection and solitude in our cycles. And not honoring them is one of the weirder accomplishments of our modern society.

Please take your time when you need it and do what ever your body tells you.



Take a walk.

Move your Body.

Nourish your mind

- whatever you feel drawn to during your moon cycle is absolutely right. You alone can fully decode your body’s needs in every moment.

The key qualities of the feminine essence are all unifying.

They are focused on community, integration, harmony and wellbeing, rather than on competition, fighting or status.

So being a women, you do have, by design, the capacity to nurture community - far beyond your own family…but of course, that is where we often start. By holding together, providing space, leaving doors wide open for our (chosen) families and friends.

By consciously deciding to give more room and mindfulness to cultivating these qualities further, you are simultanioulsy nurturing yourself.

Because you are living more in alignment with the divine essence, honoring the feminine side of things.

Take some time to reflect where in your life you can be more compassionate, where you would love to be more kind, more loving, more forgiving.

Forgiveness is not only directed to another person, but also look at where you can forgive yourself.

We humans tend to store unprocessed emotions in our bodies, which is definitely not beneficial for our health, wellbeing or relationships.

So ask yourself where you are holding a grudge against yourself for doing or not doing; saying or not saying, certain things. Acknowledge that emotion, then let it flow out of yourself and give thanks for that experience - in one way or another, it has helped you grow, so it too, was divine.

Also take time to be in stillness.

Being, instead of doing, is imperative to our wellbeing.

And in a world of performance, competition and lack of time - it often is underrepresented.

It might be a meditation,

A walk in nature.

Lying in the sun.

Or just sitting somewhere and letting your eyes wander.

However you choose to embody the stillness - trust it will be the right way.

As I mentioned earlier, we often store unprocessed emotions in our bodies.

This leads to blocked energy, to uncomfortable feelings and physical pain.

To let go of these stored feelings, you can practice forgiveness, or you can release them physically.

Both are amazing ways of letting go and valuable in their unique ways.

To release blocked energy and stored emotions in your body in a feminine way, soft movements are perfect.

It can be everything from Yoga, Dancing, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or any sort of free movement.

The focus here is not on perfect posture, or practicing time.

Focus is on what feels good in your body, what feels like expansion, like expression of your soul, like balancing your energies.

Which movements are beneficial to you right now?

I personally said goodbye to regular planned workouts and fully tune into what my body needs at the given moment.

Some days or weeks I feel like focusing on Yoga and commit to regular practice. Some times I have an urge to dance, to move my body freely and honor my intuition by feeling my way into the postures, compared to carrying out a learned coreography.

Whatever it is that makes you feel good, leaves you with a smile on your face and more peace in your mind - go for it, as long as you feel called to.

With this, I leave you to experience your unique way of the divine feminine vibration.

Be open on what your body wants to tell you, what gifts your soul has for you and where you can grow into an even more amazing, aligned, mysterious, powerful feminine goddess.

Many blessings,
