Let's Change Our Minds

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Why feeling blocked can be a blessing - and how to get back on track

Have you ever found yourself unable to move on - uninspired, tired, in no mood to create - in short:  feeling BLOCKED?

Especially when having already found your purpose in life, knowing what you want to do for a living, this can be quite disturbing

It may feel like an unexplainable force slowing you down.

Making you aware of all the small daily details one can get lost in…from watching endless videos to prioritizing grocery shopping and house cleaning over acting on our passions. 

This force can magically let us almost forget what we are passionate about, what we have dreamt for ourselves and what we were so keen on creating. 

Of course, this might be your old paradigm wanting to keep you in familiar territory. 

But it can also be something different.

Now you may wonder how the experience of feeling blocked can be a blessing?

A few weeks ago, I definitely did. And as I am finding my workaround for this, I am feeling called to share it. 

So that you, beautiful being that you my find yourself in a relatable situation, can find your way back to your path, as well. 

So, what I found is this: 

First: not „Doing“ all the time is fine. Actually, it is NECESSARY.

We operate by universal law, like everything.

And even if, in our linear growth oriented society, it may sound strange, but: there is a law of rhythm.

And it is there for a reason. 

You are part of a wonderful system. The earth itself is heavily influenced by the moon- just as one example for the rhythmic flow which we all are part of - consciously or unconsciously. 

So, taking time to rest is not equal to being lazy. Or a sign of giving up on your heart’s project. 

It just means: you need time to rest, time to integrate. 

Most likely, before this period of resting, of „doing nothing“, there was a rather intense time where you have „done, created, moved, manifested“ a lot.

And your wise body is now giving you, gifting you actually, the time to rejuvenate. To integrate all that you have brought in motion, all that you he learned, understood on a conscious level.

All this is now being deeply encoded in your body. 

Of course, you now can push yourself to go on like always, to continue doing as you did before. 

But maybe you find another perspective on it and stop your habitual conditioning from mindlessly going on.

And start giving thanks to the ever changing flow of life.

Start asking yourself why you now need to rest.

Start asking why you are feeling tired or uninspired, blocked, or physically ill. 

SecondIf you have honored your resting mode and, for a beneficial reason,

are choosing to come out of it: there are ways to make that easier!

Here are 3 hacks I am using to get back to inspired action:


    Most likely, your body needed rest. So before you go back to 100% again, give yourself what you needed: a meditation, a long bath, a few days in bed with a good book, a long walk.

    If you do feel exhausted, become aware of what is draining your energy.

    —> Is it your thoughts?

    —> Some relationship or friend?

    —> Your work?

    —> The constant outpour of bad news in the media?

    Then make some adjustments and see how you feel.  Take a few days off of watching the news, say no to the friend who wants to meet you if you do not feel fully up to it.

    In Short: Do joust what is beneficial to you. Nothing else. 

    If that is hard for you, or unusual, give yourself permission to to it just for 1 or 2 days. Doesn’t need to be a full 180 degree life change now, just try it out and feel what changes. 


    Get into a calm mode and ask yourself, what part of you initiated this resting period. And what was its intention?

I, for example, found my inner protector initiating a break, as he felt I was doing too much and not giving myself enough time to fully integrate my learnings. As I, for many years, habitually gone over my physical boundaries for work, my inner protector felt the need of stopping me earlier this time.

Making sure I am getting rest and being able to ripe the benefits of all my new insights by taking the time to really think, to evaluate what is working well and what not, and to adjust. 

This reflection is imperative - and not at all possible while running through life without ever looking back or checking in with yourself. 

Makes sense?


This is one of the most tangible, and most powerful tools, I came across - thanks to Bob Proctor.

He, for more than one year ,almost daily, reminded me of getting into a higher vibration before taking action is most necessary. And also an insurance for success. 

What does he mean by this?

When reading a few pages in an inspiring book, when listening to a talk of a motivational speaker, your energy changes completely.

What before was merely thinkable now feels within reach.

The spark of joy from your mentor in that moment enlightened your soul and the fire is now acting a driving force in your system. 

I love listening to Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Abraham Hicks or Gary Vee - it doesn’t need to be something spiritual, it doesn’t need to be a „how to „ manual either.

Just choose something that you know will lift your mood, will give you more ideas or inspiration or more confidence. 

So if your passion is opening the most beautiful yoga studio in your town, then listen to one of your favorite teachers, watch a YouTube of a successful yoga studio owner, or a mindset coach. 

You will feel your mood lift, your vibration change

- and suddenly, the gap between your actual vibration and the vibration of your goal is not as big as before.

And you find yourself having more ideas on what to do next, who to call next, what to research…and so on. 

In essence, it is about being mindful,
honoring the situation you are in and trusting that it is there for a reason.

And then, lifting yourself up through your favorite content - and start ( mindfully of course) taking inspired action again. 

With much love and the best wishes for you passion’s path, 


P.S. You can find many tools for Self Reflection and Accessing the Higher Frequencies in my Shop