Let's Change Our Minds

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How to maintain your energetic frequency

How to stay high vibe…or come back to it when you are not?

Although it may seem contrary to all logic, your emotional state of being ( your vibrational frequency )

has NOTHING to do with the outside experiences your encounter.

But EVERYTHING to do with yourself.

No one else can choose for you if you want to feel good, or not - It is an inside job.

That is good news - and also brings responsibility.

Your responsibility to feel good.

We are co-creators.

So we have an immense power over our life - even if we are unconscious about it, or maybe even neglect it because we feel powerless.

Our vibration, our emotional state, lowers when we feel

….out of alignment

….that we are not able to create our own reality


….like everything happens TO us

…that we are forced to do something we do not want


The minute you can accept that you are sovereign, that you are responsible for your own feelings, you gain your power back.

You then are choosing to not give away your energy freely through worrying, resistance, limiting thoughts, and so on….

Then you are choosing your own well-being over your reaction, you are choosing yourself over the outside world.

That may seem like the ego speaking, but actually, it’s healthy.

And it doesn’t mean you are mean.

It just means you are taking full responsibility for what you feel - and everyone else has the power to do the same.

So, why should you aim to stay in a high vibration?

For the obvious; its just LOTS more fun!

Being in the vibes of bliss, happiness, peacefulness, joy is an amazing feeling ( why would you ever consciously choose to go out of it? )

From an energetic perspective, being in a high vibe state also allows the universe to help you more.

You get back what you sent out ( Law of Attraction ), so sending out high vibes is actually you asking to get the same high-vibe-experiences back.

Win win!

You are happy before, and the good things are able to come to you more, which can help you maintain your high frequency even more.

That doesn’t mean that nothing uncomfortable will ever happen to you again, because we do need those experiences for growth sometimes.

But when you are feeling very good, even the uncomfortable, annoying things aren’t bothering you so much.

And therefore, they are not staying with you for long.

They will vibrate out of your experience more quickly because you are not a vibrational match to them anymore.

What you focus on, expands.

And now, how to get into a high vibration?

Do what ever makes you feel good, gets you centered, grounded, gives you the feeling of expansion ( versus the feeling of contraction ).

Here are 11 easy and wonderful ways of aligning with the higher frequencies:

1) move your body // dance your stress out to good music / run / do some yoga

2) read something you are interested in // dive into a passionate topic

3) get out in nature // enjoy the beauty of mother earth

4) meditate, enjoy the stillness, calm down, breath in deeply

5) laugh, for no reason, or with the help of a funny movie // whatever gets you laughing out loud

6) visualize your dream life, your most desired future // really allow yourself to dream, no limitations, only dwelling in the most wonderful possibilities

7) focus on just what you are doing now, not what is happening in one hour or what just happened // interrupt your current patterns and stay present

8) connect with someone you love // get your heart activated through thinking about someone you truly love // or talk to one of your favorite beings.

Enjoy the soul connection between you and them

9) connect to spirit, in whatever way feels good to you // pray, work with crystals, read or watch some content of you favorite mentors/spiritual teachers

10) practice giving // help someone out with your time, energy, or even money // giving is a sign of you trusting the universe, which will be rewarded always

—> Here is a wonderful article by Bob Proctor about The Universal Law of Giving

11) affirm your desired state of being // listen to affirmations that empower you and guide you into an elevated emotion

Affirmations to elevate your emotions

And as a bonus ( longterm ) tip:

get to know yourself, because the more confident you are, the better you are feeling

Many blessings,
