Light Language Library

A collection of channelled light code transmissions to empower and inspire you

What you’ll get

  • more than 20 videos of light language transmissions on a wide range of topics

    *regulating emotions

    *spiritual growth

    *balancing energies

    *life challenges

  • lifetime access

  • about 10 new videos every month

  • special offers for 1:1 coaching and channeling sessions

What’s inside

Light Language Library

More than 20 Light Language Transmissions on differnet topics - more to come every month

Special Offers

As a member of the Light Language Library, you have access to special discounts for 1:1 coaching and channelling sessions whenever you want more individual support


An introduction and explanation to the special world of light work and cosmic language to promote healing and growth.

Light Language Library

Light Language Library

Light Language Library - Full Access
One time

Get lifetime access to this ever-growing library of Light Language Transmissions. Enjoy all of the cosmic healing sounds in one place.

✓ More than 20 video's already
✓ 10 new videos will be added each month
✓ lifetime access

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Light Language is a cosmic language, channelled differently from soul to soul. It really is a heartcentered form of communication which bypasses all logic and directly affects the vibration of the one speaking and the one receiving it. Light Language Transmissions can assist with all kinds of challenges, from emotional healing to physical transformation, from assisting with your personal and spiritual growth to just promoting a heightened wellbeing and joyful experience here on earth.

  • The Light Language Library is a collection of channeled transmissions, in alphabetical order. You can either just browse through and watch the one that resonates with you in that moment or you can intentionally search for a topic you need assists with, like “insecurity” “anger” or “inner peace”.

  • As I channel light language multiple times a week, the collection will grow around 10 items per month.

  • Yes, of course! As a member ot the library, you can always send me your wishes and I will take them into the next channeling sessions and upload a transmission to your desired topic to the library. Additionally, you’ll get a downloadable copy of this video for you to keep.