The Art of

Empowered Living

Hi, I am Anna.

I am a spiritual mindset coach, passionate about all things energy work, spiritual awakening and holistic living.

I truly am convinced that we can change the world if everyone is changing to a better version.

If we are happy, satisfied, calm and confident,

we are more consciously aware of how we act and act in a better way. 

This not only benefits ourselves but also the people around us and our environment. 

So we ourselves are the key to the change we want to see - and need - in the world. 

/// Let's change our minds - and change our world ///

This space is dedicated to inspire, empower and support you on your journey.

You will find information about the mind-body connection, light language transmissions, the universal laws, the power of meditation and, mindfulness and holistic perspectives on the blog.

The shop is filled with empowering Templates, Courses and Coaching opportunities.

as well as with Tools for your Transformation and Gifts for other spiritual and

open-minded beings you want to gift a little something.

Let’s celebrate and enjoy this wonderful life together -

To a new life, with a new mind!


Spiritual Mindset Coaching 1:1
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Light Language 1+5
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Light Language Library

/ A collection of light code transmissions for healing & growth

€ 22.00

Follow along on Instagram for channelled messages, light language transmissions and affirmations.