Now Dreaming. BIG.


For a long time

I didn’t dream big, - didn’t allowed myself to.

Because I myself doubted the realization of even parts of that dream.

So I didn’t dared to dream my vision of the future in all its clearness at all.

Fast forward a few years on my mental awareness journey:

the more I come in contact with visionary people, meditation and spiritual teachers,

the more the pictures form themselves. Pictures of a wonderful future.

  • Bold.

  • Impactful.

  • Courageous.

But still I doubted it.

Decided this was way too big, I was way too unimportant, unsuccessful or too whatever to realize even parts of it.

The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance.
— Bob Proctor

Then the universe guided me to Bob Proctor. And he managed what I was unable to do before.

With his decades of wisdom, the certainty and belief in the potential of everyone of us humans,

He rose in me the confidence to really believe I can.

I can think that big // Why not?

I can achieve my goals.

I can change.

And become whoever I want..


Never have I allowed myself to think so abundant and limitless….

….compared to my thinking habits of before.

I bet everything that this is just the surface and Bob would smile at the definition of limitless thinking I am operating on now - because he knows of the potential there is.

Abundant resources.

Endless energy.

So, what is it not that I dream of?

/ I dream of my amazing house - I exactly know how it looks like…been there once in fact.

/ I dream of my successful career, my easyness in attracting money.

Lots of money- that I give into empowering projects to great percentages immediately.

/ I dream of health, vibrant health. Wellbeing.

/ Of my deep relationship and my fulfilling family life.

/ And I dream of a society that is supporting each other.

  • Holding hand instead of keeping distance.

  • Not being ignorant, but caring about themselves and consciously deciding to evolve.

  • Not destroying, but nurturing Mother Earth.

  • Not doubting dreams, but realizing them actively with support and trust.

/ An educational system entirely new.

Based not on performing, doubt and judgement, but on the needs of the individual, spiritual awakening and wellbeing.

/ I dream of vertical gardens all over the city, a flood of local food stores, a healthy environment and a deep gratitude of everyone towards Mother Earth.

/ I dream of kindness, empowerment and creativity.

/ Of the collective realization that

  • we all are the divine

  • we are the creators of our reality, our lifes

  • we can cause effects and thereby create the future we want.

  • we are impactful beyond measure (we are now without knowing it, as well, but oh my gosh, how

    wonderful would it be if more people would be fully aware of their power 😊)

So, are you resonating with this?

How about your vision?

Are you holding yourself back as well?

Selling yourself short on your own dreams, your future?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

Thank you for your time!
