What does it take to start over?

I bet, at one or another point - this is something every human being is thinking about.

A fresh start-

Something entirely new.

Just letting go of the past

and building a future the way you now know you desire.

As the creatures of habit we are, at those last days of a year we are almost naturally drawn to sit down and think about our lifes, about that past year.

And mostly, our mind is highlighting what we didn’t like,

what experiences we want to change.

It feels almost like a built-in mechanism of bettering ourselves.

Like a softwareprogram searching for the error that causes the hiccup in the system, we are searching for what went wrong, what we like to change.

That can lead to a lot of beating ourselves up, aka

Why have you been so weak and did that to yourself this last year?


Why weren’t you able to do this, like your coworker, friend or colleague did?

But, as always, there are two sides.

We can also train our minds on focusing on the other side of the stick:

the empowering chance of

changing what we have made ourselves aware of!

Changing this behaviors we don’t like anymore, the experiences we don’t want to repeat.

Dreaming of a new life, a new approach to work, health, relationships or spirituality. 


And how on earth did we get to experiencing a life we do not like the way it is?

  • Why are we doing things we don’t enjoy?

  • Why are we hanging out with people we are not feeling comfortable with?

  • Or staying in a workplace that is not helping us grow and fulfill our souls’s purpose?

In one word: Conditioning. 

You may call it limiting beliefs, cultural programming or paradigms -

essentially it’s all the same:

A multitude of ideas in your subconscious mind that are operating without you even consciously realizing it.

We are on autopilot, so to say, for a very big part of our time awake.

The question at hand, of course, is:

How to change?

How to really, permanently change?

You may, as most people, have experienced this short-term motivation to change EVERYTHING -yes, really everything at once - with the start of the new year. 

……and a few days or weeks later you are falling back into old behavioral patterns, old thinking patterns and an oh so familiar attitude. 

That is the uncomfortable moment we’d all like to have avoided,

the moment we realize that we didn’t stick to our decisions,

we haven’t been strong or committed enough to follow through. 

Normally, that leaves behind a weakened self-image; some dis-empowering sentences in our minds like

„ I knew that I couldn’t stick to it.“

„I can never change, here is the proof.“

„Why did I even try?”

“If it hasn’t worked the last times, why have I thought I could do it now?

“I am weak.“


Unpleasant? Definitely!

Avoidable? Definitely!


How to overcome your old self?

How to create results that stick?

This we will explore in the upcoming posts.

But for now: 

  • It is possible. 

  • It is fun. 

  • It is you caring for yourself more, getting to know your higher self more.

  • It is you connecting to you. Growing. 

  • It is you re-establishing your connection to the universe, the Big Mind.

Thank you for your time - I feel blessed that we are connecting. 



The power of invisible Selfcare


Now Dreaming. BIG.