The Magic of Planning

//A guideline for getting closer to your goal

without procrastination & attachment //

magic of planning - weekly planner

Thinking of planning ahead can produce all kinds of feelings:

Boredom, anxiety, stress, demotivation, procrastination……just to name a few.

All of them I had the pleasure to experience myself many years - to the point I considered it useless to even write down anything

as my todo lists have grown bigger and bigger…..and seemed so unmanageable that it only led to me not doing any of that.

So instead of working off some overdue tasks I chose to bake three sorts of cookies or cleaned up the whole apartment…….

(Can you relate?)

Then Bob Proctor introduced me to his method of planning ahead for the whole week.

Not for the sake of checking things off or being productive.

But because of how I will feel when I get one step closer to my goal, because of the feeling when I complete something that maybe, at first, seemed impossible.

Luckily, I instantly decided to follow his advice.

For one year I, every week, wrote down a few sentences:

  • Reminding myself of my goal, once I was able and brave enough to really define it.

  • Picking out some action steps that I decided to get done in the upcoming days.

  • And reflecting on what I did do last week, how I felt with the progress, also any wins and challenges.

magic of planning - move on

Through this very simple process I learned a lot.

About me.

About the magic of planning ahead.

About expectation and attitude.

And how it feels to get closer to my goal.

What has been in my mind vaguely for years was now clear…

And I, for the first time, took action continuously and productively.

(….this is no hymn on my ability to work. On the contrary - I grew up believing that I am not able to finish any task easily, as there are so many new ideas coming to my mind constantly that I am getting bored to easily to finish anything not massively important )

The really interesting thing wasn’t what I managed to get done, it was how I felt.

How easy it was do start acting out what I planned.

There was no resistance towards doing what I put on my list.

No arguing in my head, no detours or procrastination.

Many times, I wasnt able to get all things done, but that didn’t matter. It was about getting anything done - making progress.

Regardless of how slow sometimes. Just moving forward towards my goal.

This is also the key. Keeping your goal in mind when planning and acting out on your planning.

Then a boring or unpleasant task lacks the resistance but is perceived as a necessary and important step

towards your goal, your dream, your desired state of living.

In short, making planning something magical, something fun and ease

can look like this:

  1. define your goal as clear as possible. Have a detailed picture in your mind of your goal and how you feel when having achieved it ( more on this in another post )

  2. Decide on 3 tasks you commit to for this week. They do not need to be random, but also there doesn’t need to be a whole business plan behind it. Details later on.

  3. Reflect on what you managed to get done last week. What have been challenges, what wins?

More detailed, this looks like:

1) Ask yourself: What do I really want?

What does make my heart sing, make me a better person and make the world a better place?

Cheesy, I know, but finding a real goal is crucial for your success.

Half in there, when it gets messy, boring or stressful, you are not easily able to stick to your decision for just any goal.

But you are able to stick to your decision, to go on, for the right goal.

If you know your WHY, there is no question IF

So the goal you are looking for should be:

  • something that you need to stretch yourself for

  • something that excites you and scares you ( at least a bit )

  • measurable ( Earning 10 k every month from July 23 on; speaking one on one with Tony Robbins at his event in Mai 23, for example )

  • bringing you closer to your purpose, at the same time being in harmony with the universe at large ( nothing that is overstepping boundaries of others)

2) Now, what are the next steps I can take to get closer to my goal?

You may have a rough idea how to reach your goal, but as it is something you have never done before ( as you need to stretch yourself for it ),

logically, you have no step by step plan what to do to get it.

So the only thing you actually CAN do is:


Move forward slowly, stair by stair, step by step.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
— Steve Jobs

This amazing Quote by Steve Jobs is a perfect description for this process.

Meaning while you go towards your goal, you only now the next few steps, not the whole way.

But looking back, when having achieved it, you can see the whole process clearly.

So decide on 3 steps you can do tomorrow.

Regardless how small, how boring or scary.

  • organize them from the most important to the least

  • make a commitment to start with number 1 as soon as possible in the next day

  • do not move to number 2 until you have completed the first step.

  • if you manage to get all 3 done: pat yourself on the back - congrats!

  • if you only manage to get the first one done, or even started: congratulations as well.

    It is not about how far you come, but about the fact hat you have taken the courage, the determination, to even start.

    You may need to remind yourself of this part a few times, as we unfortunately are often programmed to

    think short of our achievements if we did not get all of them done.

    But the fact that you did even one thing is actually amazing.

    You could have done NO thing as well.

    So: pat yourself on the back for even the tiniest process and write down the remaining undone steps from today on tomorrows list.

3) Reflect shortly on the wins of this day

What can you celebrate?

And also, where did you run into any challenge?

What was the thing that caught you up? Made you feel uncomfortable?

( if you want to speed up the learning process, read this article about how to learn from every experience you encounter

and therefore can acknowledge the wisdom of this situation (so that it does not need to repeat itself),

The benefits are endless on the emotional, spiritual, and physical plane.

Repeat next week.

For a daily planning, you are then breaking down the 3 points into more steps, and start with the first action points for step 1.

When you have accomplished all of the necessary actions for step one, you move on two all the action points for step 2….

So essentially, you repeat the weekly process daily on another level.

magic of planning -  intuition quote

And how not to attach to the outcome?

Granted, this is a critical point. After being so down to earth, it is only natural to attach to the outcome you, in so much detailed, planned and acted upon.

For me, it is easiest to let go of the outcome by reminding myself of the „why“ of my goal.

Why did I wanted this in the first place?

Because I think that I will feel better when having it.

So by imagining that I already have it ( envisioning )

I trick myself, even for a short amount of time, and yes, „just“ in my head into believing that I already have it.

Which will make me feel good.

Abraham Hicks tells us that when we focus on something for the short timespan of 17 seconds, another, similar thought joins in.

And again, and again.

So by focusing on our goal for 17 seconds, another detail, another idea, will join.

We will find more ways to paint the image of our goal, feel the feeling of having it, doing or being it ( depending on the goal ).

And so, we are able to more and more form a crystal clear image of our live with this goal.

This is Law of Attraction at work - joining in thought on thought

..and soon, you will feel like you already have it.

Which, in turn, will give Law of attraction even more momentum in getting you what you desire, as you are in the frequency of it already.

Physical manifestation then must follow ( if we keep up our inspired actions and the goad-frequency )

In Short: by envisioning that you already have that which you desire, you are feeling the joy of having it - and therefor have attached to the outcome of your actions. Because in your mind, your goal already is achieved.

magic of planning_motivation neon sign

What do you really want?


How to maintain your energetic frequency