14 Tips to Raise your Vibration

Everyone is talking about Raising your Vibration - but: is this really worth the hype?

In my view, it definitely is!

The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts and reactions.

So the better we feel, the easier, more fun, our days are. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health - all depends upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy.

Below, I have listed 14 tips can help raise your vibration and aid you in building a freer and more positive energy flow and therefore a more empowered, happy life.

A life that you are in charge of more, that is filled with more and more light, abundance, love and wellbeing.

As you might already now, Law of Attraction keeps reflecting back to us what Vibration we are sending out, so the more you commit to raise your vibration, the more wonderful experiences will come to you.

1. Proper Diet:

Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on our physical health, but also on our emotional, mental and spiritual states.

A clean diet can create greater health, more positive emotional states, clearer mental functioning, and increased spiritual attunement.

I am deeply convinced that there is no “one right diet for” for all of us. But there are all our individual bodies that we can listen to - and act accordingly. Put otherwise: If you choose to listen to what your body tells you and follow your body’s wisdom, this way of eating can only be beneficial to you.

You know best what is working for you - and the more attuned you are to your higher self, the easier it will be to disregard social programming or cravings and “just” nourish your sacred vessel for this life with the most organic, pure, nutrient dense foods that you can get your hands on.

2. Fasting:

We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts, or a “mono-diet” in which we eat only one type of food, such as apples, watermelon or grapes.

Maybe you are like me and really love cooking and eating and the idea of fasting may sound scary, or almost impossible.

  • What if your energy will drop?

  • What if you will be hangry all the time?

  • What is with all that nice dinners with friends, the coffee with your colleagues and so on?

Valid questions, but: compared to how good you will feel once you tried it, I dare to say: it’s worth it.

Fasting is not only a way to detox and give your digestive organs a rest - it also is a way to cleanse emotionally, to retreat and reflect mentally and to initiate a fresh start. At first, your body might be somewhat confused and you can feel quite tired, exhausted or just not in the mood to do much.

But especially when done longer than two days, this will rapidly change into you feeling a rush of energy and vitality. As your body does not need all that energy to process your food - you are having much more resources to do other things.

Depending on what method you choose, the fasting process can be very easy to integrate into your daily life, for example when we think about intermittent fasting or a juice day. If you are new to this, that might be an easy way to start.

Another, even more impactful, option is to fast for a few days in a row. From my experience, it is very helpful to schedule it in a way that allows you to rest, especially in the first two days. Maybe you are starting on the weekend and, when day 3 comes and you will feel the energy kick in, you are again ready to go about your workday.

When fasting longer, some may experience an increase of symptoms if a “healing crisis” is provoked. As a beginner in this process it might be wise to get assistance from an expert if you feel unsure.

3. Herbs and Flower Essence:

Some herbs can be very calming and/or invigorating, offering an extra boost which may give us the needed optimism we need to make internal changes. Essential oils are known to be very potent and are easy to use in so many different ways.

For raising your vibration, especially Rose oils are wonderful, as roses are known to have the highest vibration possible. Smelling at a rose, or a rose oil can get you out of a lower emotional state almost immediately.

4. Daily Physical Exercise:

Our bodies are made to move - although it, especially in western society, looks like we might have forgotten that. Your body is a miracle - a temple for this lifetime that needs to be treated with this importance.

Take the time to listen to your body - the rewards are manifold.

Exercise is essential not only for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system, but also for a relaxed nervous system and balanced endocrine system. This harmony is necessary for emotional and mental peace.

So not only is a healthy, balanced mind taking care of the body through healthy routines and exercises, but the other way round: if you are feeling good in your physical body, this also promotes mental and emotional health.

I know many of us have all kinds of excuses for not exercising enough - and I am not here to pressure you.

On the contrary, I’d like to invite you to take it slow, but start. Daily Exercise can be a 15 minute walk as much as it could be two hours in the gym.

Do what fits into your day, whatever makes you fell good. Just keep the focus on moving your body in any way, and if doing so, take the time and presence to acknowledge what you are doing. You are taking care of your physical form, that is something wonderful.

If you want to take it a step further, combine your exercise with the next tip:

5. Breathing Techniques:

These are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind.

Energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions.

Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness.

As I mentioned above, you can start simple, with just the awareness of your breath while taking a walk.

Or the decision to sit down in stillness for a minute and breathe in deeply for a few seconds and breathe out for the same amount of seconds. Repeat for a few minutes and see how you will feel.

There are, of course, many more advanced breathing techniques: from calming you down, to overflowing your system with energy to consciously releasing emotions that are stored in your body - with guidance there are miracles to be discovered through breath!

6. Daily Deep Relaxation or Meditation:

You may have heard 1000 people talk about the benefits of meditation, so I keep this one short.

Meditation is amazing for calming down your nervous system, your muscles and, of course, your mind. It is a form of healing, rejuvenation, connection to your inner world and your higher self. Also it is a form of focus that allows you to be aware of your power and to co-create your experiences, manifest your dreams.

There are no negative side effects but about a million benefits, so definitely try it out!

…and as there are as much styles of meditation than benefits, I am absolutely certain you will find the one that is resonating with you most at this time. Be it walking meditation, sitting in stillness, guided meditation or singing mantras. Let yourself be guided by your intuition.

7. Creative Self Expression:

This is much more important to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine.

We are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might create a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a family, a business,ect.

Whatever it is that you feel drawn to - give yourself permission to create with your handy, your mind, your energy what you are seeing in your mind’s eye.

Bringing something to life is an immensely satisfying experience - and why we are here. We are always on the leading edge of creation, as Abraham Hicks says.

So, expressing yourself is not only fun or a way for you to show your authenticity, it is essential for your health, your inner balance and your happiness.

Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
— Don Miguel Ruiz

8. Meaningful Activity:

Doing something that is meaningful to us is necessary to feel that our life is worth living.

If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful or helpful in some way, we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness gradually deteriorate. This does not always have to be a grand gesture, but could be many small things.

Living more often according to your own values instead of pleasing others, shifting perspective away from your ego and focus on the person in front of you, offering your time, energy and love. Or just be there, really being present.

Without thinking about a past event that bothered you or your long list of To-Do’s, focus on being present in this very moment - for yourself alone or with others. You will notice the difference and start feeling the satisfaction of doing something meaningful.

9. Massage:

Our hands have healing powers and, especially when paired with an intention of healing, a massage can work wonders.

They not only can relax our nervous systems, soften tightness in our bodies and help to release stress but also work as a pattern interruption in a busy day and teach ourselves that taking care of our body is not only necessary, but feeling so good.

Condition yourself to take care of yourself even more.

If you are not able to spend money on a massage you can massage your handy, your feet, your neck or head easily and with great impact.

10. Cleansing Techniques:

One simple method is to shower or bath, as the contact with water can be healing and calming.

Smudging with sage or Palo Santo is also a great way to clean yourself and your environment from energies you do not want to hold on to.

In Addition, one of the most powerful tools is your intention.

Our thoughts become things and our words are spells, so use your magical mind wisely and set an intention to let go of everything that is no longer serving you.

Stating this our loud is even more potent, as your words are vibrating as well. You can use a simple affirmation like “I am letting go of everything I no longer need and claim my energy back to me now. I am protected, guided and aligned with my higher self”. Get creative in your own words and according to your needs

11. Emotional Release:

Have you every thought consciously about releasing negative emotions from your body after you had a fight, an little accident or something else that lowered your vibration and knocked you out of balance. Dogs are shaking there stress off - but what are we doing?

Most people aren’t even consciously aware that this negative energy or stress is being stored in their bodies, if not released. And therefore not take action to release. But we can become aware.

Maybe you reflect about your day before going to bed and ask yourself if there was any experience, any event that lowered your vibration, your mood.

If yes, consciously decide to release it. Allow your mind to let it go by imagining it is a car driving by, a cloud in the sky that is carried away, or whatever picture helps you.

Also affirming your intention is very helpful. Using affirmations like “ I call my energy to me now. I am letting go of everything that is not serving me and keeping me from my highest potential. I am grateful for all experiences and am willing to learn the lessons. There is no need to hold on to an event that is not resonating with my highest version”.

If you experience pain in your body, this is another sign of energy stored at this part. Energy that is stuck and needs to be released for you to feel better, to move on. Besides the emotional ways of letting go, there also are physical ways to free stuck emotion, like bioenergetic. Through movement, you are letting go of the emotion and both heal your mind and the physical pain.

12. Social Harmonization:

By discovering and overcoming any fears or beliefs that prevent us from feeling comfortable with others, we are doing ourselves a huge favor.

How many times have you doubted yourself? Your abilities, your looks, your talent? And therefore acted in a way that was below your actual capability?

Whatever it is that made yourself limit yourself, this also holds great power. Because if you understand, really accept, that you are the one who is limiting yourself more than anyone else, you also hold the key to your relief in your hands.

You then are able to let yourself free, and start caring more about how you feel than what others might think of you.

You will prioritize your own needs above the wants of others. Be your best friend, the partner you always wanted, the parent you always wished for and see how limitless you become.

13. Spiritual Orientation:

Each of us has their own personal relationship with the universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with everything.

Finding your spiritual path can and being able to connect with your higher self, god, the universe, nature, love - whatever you want to call this higher force - this connection can be key to your inner balance, mental peace and alignment.

Regardless of the way you choose, choosing to go down the way of spiritual awakening itself is a gift: to yourself, to your loved ones, and to the universe.

The more you feel the connection, this feeling of belonging to something greater, something bigger, that is benevolent and supportive all the time is beautiful and nurturing four your body, mind and soul.

14. Self Knowledge:

The more we get to know ourselves, understand our own inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings, the more we can free ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms, which undermine our health, happiness and relationships.

Maybe you already have started to dive in the depth of your own soul, learning about why you behave like you do and are starting to feel compassion for your actions - even if you do not always think they have been ideal.

Or maybe you are feeling disempowered, not knowing why you did what you did and how you can change your feelings, thoughts and behavior so that you can feel more like your true self, more authentic.

Whereever you are in this journey of inner connection, it is fine the way it is.

So often we are in a hurry ( my guess is that the constant stress and fastness of living has been imprinted even onto our personal development journey. We are hurrying here as we are hurrying from one meeting to another, trying to check off some invisible tasks from our “inner work” checklist. Totally forgetting that everything is divine - meaning: also the position we are in right now, the level of awareness we are at. There is nothing to hurry because there is a sense in us being at the point in our lives we are at. There is something to learn, to acknowledge, to alchemize, to become aware of.

So it is not about getting to know ourselves as fast as possible, but in a loving, understanding and conscious way.

I’d love to invite you to take time for your selfdicovery as much as you are taking time to get to know a knew friend. Be curious, understanding, be compassionate and open. You are a wonderful, magical being. Give yourself the chance to discover that and fall in love with yourself as much as you can. There is deep healing and joy, a spring of wellbeing in taking care and being in love with ourselves.

Yours is the energy that makes your world.
— Jane Roberts

If you are still reading: welcome and thank you! It is a sign for your determination to take care of yourself and take your wellbeing in your own hands.

You are not only empowering yourself but also gifting all of us with more harmony and love in this universe. We are all connected - so healing yourself, taking care of yourself means also healing a part of earth, of the universe.

I am so grateful for your existence - you are amazing!

Much love,



Love’s Revolution


Energy Routines I have fallen in love with