But how?
Let’s just take any normal day as an example. Something stressful, annoying, unideal happened and you might feel tension about it. Maybe your boss didn’t appreciate your work but instead humiliated you in for too your colleagues. There is a good change you now feel angry, sad, low.
And it might often feel so much easier to stay in a negative emotion, just because we already gained so much momentum there. But from my experience, it’s still not worth it. Yes, it really can be easier to not make the effort and get back into alignment, but in the longer run it is just counterproductive. And hurtful.
In our example that would you replaying this conversation with you boss again and again in your mind, while throughout your day, many other things are going wrong. You might loose your keys, being late for the next meeting, missing the bus….whatever mood you are in will be reflected back to you.
So, below, I have listed some of my all-time favorite energy routines that are helping me out of a rut -always.
And the best thing is: by doing then BEFORE anything else, a.k.a. as a morning routine, you most likely will not encounter so many unpleasant experiences at all.
Or, if you still stumble across something not so ideal: you will have a much easier time to NOT be upset about it. And letting it go immediately.
Sounds to good to be true?
Maybe, but it still can be true.
And this is why:
As we are part of this wonderful universe made entirely of one thing: energy
we, too, are made out of energy.