How to develop your Intuition

A guideline for getting in touch with higher self

Before you can start developing your intuition you need to believe that you have one.

That you are more than what you can see, hear, smell, taste, touch.

That there is a core, a source to you that is not tangible, a part of you that is connected to something even bigger.

Let’s call this the universe, source, love, god - whatever term you feel most comfortable.

But anyhow you name it: some force that is greater than you. A force that is communicating with you through your intuition.

Everything vibrates, nothing rests. This is not only a boring statement out of a physics class, this also is one of the basic laws of the universe.

And important for us to understand how our intuition works: because it’s through intuition that you pick up vibration.
( this post by Bob Proctor is a good start to learn about the law of vibration )

You can, for example, feel the energy of people around you.

If your partner is in a bad mood and enters the room you are in, you are able to feel that.

Maybe you immediately vibrate on the same mood, feeling annoyed or angry even if you haven’t seconds before, when you have been alone.

Of course, this also works the other way round.

When someone is happy, overflowing with you, full of passion , you can also feel that.

You might feel the openness of that person, the excitement.

And if you cannot feel what I described just above?

That just means you are, in that particular moment, not “tuned in, tapped in, turned on” as Abraham Hicks says.

You are not in the receiving mode. Maybe you are not used to feeling into the subtle energies of your intuition.

Nothing to worry about - it happens to all of us all the time.

You can, for starters, find a way to get back into alignment.

And of course, you can develop your intuition, sharpen it, strengthen it.

Unfortunately, so many of us have no idea how to use our intuition - this invisible power at our fingertips, which is waiting, ready to be considered, seen, made use of.

With these 5 steps you can easily develop your intuition:

  1. Trust yourself

  2. Study

  3. Focus on one topic

  4. Observe your experience

  5. Make it a habit

… If you’ve ever had a hunch about something, that was intuition.

Intuition is, as Bob Proctor points out, one of the 6 mental faculties.

A faculty that you can develop… like you can develop a muscle by exercising, or fine-tuning your tastebuds by focusing on different foods.

Below, I have broken down the 5 steps into a more detailed guideline

….an exercise plan, so to say:

1) Trust Yourself:

Look for areas in your own life where you are naturally using your intuition.

What is something that you are just naturally good at without studying?

What is an area where you trust your gut and it is almost always right?

That is your intuition speaking, continue to listen and nurture it. The more you do, the more confident you get, based on the result you see.

Really take time and reflect in the evening:

  • Where did you have an intuitive hunch?

  • Did you follow it?

  • Was it working?

If yes: celebrate! Pat yourself on the back.

That is your „proof”.

This feeling will help you keep going in moments you won’t be so sure if you can trust yourself, trust your intuition.

2) Study

Gather knowledge on a topic you want to use your intuition on.

Decide on something that is of interest to you, something you gravitate towards.

… it cooking, for example? Learn something about spices, how to mix ingredients, learn about the origin of your produce…..

The more your conscious mind is satisfied by knowledge, the more confident you are in that field.

Which makes it easier for the conscious mind to let go - which you want if you are in the middle of developing your intuition.

Intuition can only be heard when the logic is silent.

3) Focus

Commit on focusing on your chosen topic.

Do not let yourself be distracted

…yes, there are so many things to do, so many things you might have heard, doubts about if you can act intuitively…but:

your intuition is like a new language you are learning.

Give it your undivided attention, learn to differentiate between your conscious mind and that subtle feeling. Gut feeling, if you want to call it that way.

Intuition speaks in a different way, it’s not a „thinking process“ so the way it communicates might feel different.

For example:

you want to develop your intuition to understand more easily what people around you are doing, thinking, what they are about…

Focus all your attention on the people around you. For starters, focus your attention on someone you are close with.

Start to get used to what you feel, not what you hear or see.

That might be challenging at first, because we are trained to mostly focus on ourselves, but you will feel the difference soon.

Feeling is language of subconscious.

So by tuning into how you feel about that person, you can learn to interpret their vibration.

You are learning to use your intuition to learn more about them.

That now might sound much more complicated than it needs to.

Just think of a loved one that entered a room in a bad mood.

Did you notice, even if that person didn’t say anything?

Maybe you felt the room getting cold, not really in a decreasing of temperature, more like a feeling., Maybe you shivered, maybe your body wanted to contract, you lifted your shoulders, rounded your back?

Did you noticed the way that person put their bag down with more force than normal?

All these things could be nothing. Could be useless information.

OR: could be little puzzle pieces of your intuition, subconsciously gathered in high speed when that person entered the room to make you aware that there is a mood shift, a shift of vibration. Something to be prepared for.

Get into the receiving mode.
Focus on the subtle stuff, not the shiny, smelly, tasty stuff.
— Abraham Hicks

4) Observe your experience, justify it

What I mean by that is: use your intuition and reflect afterwards.

Did that person really have a bad mood?

Yes? Then your intuition was right and thats an opportunity for you to get more confident with this new skill.

Next time you want to use your intuition, you already have a win to be proud of.

Something you can hold on to if you are doubting your talents at any time.

So use it, practice.

And then reflect. ( learn more about inner reflection in this post )

Almost like you are learning vocabulary when learning a new language, its about repetition.

And readjusting, correcting and growing through your experience.

5) Make it a habit

This is no more about „how to use/develop your intuition“ but about „how you want to live“.

Like with every other thing you learn, its about integrating into your life.

Your Spanish skills will fade when you dont speak the language.

So decide to make use of your intuition habitually.

Integrate it into your daily life until you do not need to think about it, until you are not questioning it anymore.

When does the bus leave? Use your intuition instead of looking up the time online.

Are you looking at the clock more often, do you feel nervous, hectic, feel like putting on your jacket although logically you think you still have time?

Do you feel like you need to run to get the bus?

Try it!

Learn to interpret those subtle feelings.

The universe communicates to each and everyone in a slightly different way, so there is no „one fits all“ guidebook, but you will, with practice, figure out what it feels like when your intuition is speaking to you.

And if you catched the bus, if it just smoothly arrives the second you arrive at the station: celebrate!

Don’t put it off as a trivial thing, as if you just were lucky.

Give yourself permission to feel excited, to be proud of listening to your intuition, to feel supported by the universe.

Celebrate the synchronicities.

That is the universe talking to you, reassuring you.

That is source guiding you.

Be grateful for being connected, have fun with your new magical skill!

Now I am curious - do you feel confident in using your intuition?

Comment below!

Much love,



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