Let's Change Our Minds

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Affirmations to calm down

Below, I have gathered some Affirmations that are very helpful to get calmer and more relaxed:

  • I know the universe has my back. Even if I don’t see it just now, everything is unfolding in my favor.

  • Everything is working out best case scenario.

  • I am protected, I am guided.

  • My spirit guides are assisting me, protecting me, guiding me - to the past of least resistance.

  • I feel more and more relaxed.

  • It is becoming easier and easier for me to trust the universe.

  • The longer I focus on my wellbeing, the less resistance I feel, the more calm I feel.

  • Truly, everything is working out well. I am coming closer and closer to alignment, feeling more and more joy and bliss.

  • I breath in golden white light, breath in calmness, relaxation and peace. I am breathing out whatever I want to let go of, breathing out stress, hurry, worry, fear. I know that I am protected by the benevolence of the universe.

  • I am aligned with my highest timeline more and more often. And if I come out of balance, I worry less and less about it because I know how easy it is to jump back on.

  • I am aware of the limitless power of my mind, I am focusing on better feeling thoughts as often as I can and immerse in the feeling of relaxation, joy, bliss and peace that it brings me.

  • There is nothing really to worry about. I am not alone on my path and always am supported by the angels, spirit guides, invisible forces that are helping me on my path. I am taken care of in every moment and the more I am able to trust and relax, the easier I can feel this support.

  • I commit to feeling good, I commit to feeling empowered, to take care of myself and nurture myself. I am building a grid of light all around me, setting the tone for my upcoming day to unfold beautifully and with ease.

  • Every experience I have is just a reflection of my inner state of being, and knowing this is so empowering. I realize that I am the creator of my own movie and I create as I go, so it is never too late to change the script, it is never to late to choose empowering thoughts over disease, wellness over discomfort, love over fear.

  • I am in charge of my experience and knowing that whatever happens is happening for a reason.

  • I am learning and growing constantly, and by lowering my resistance I can let in the understanding more and more and therefore coming out of the re-experiencing of the same pattern over and over. By learning my lesson I am able to control my experiences, the direction my life is taking.

  • I am a powerful part of the divine, with every support I need at my fingertips. I am not here to do it all alone, knowing it all or never being wrong, I am here to learn, to grow and to feel.

  • I am basing my actions more and more on my feelings, rather than on logic alone. I am choosing my wellbeing.

  • I am calm, peaceful, clear, full of ideas, full of energy. Feeling inspired to go on about my day, feeling supported along the way.

If you feel that you deeply need some rest and time to relax, it is powerful to write down these Affirmations ( in your own words, or in my version, what ever feels best for you - let your intuition guide you to the right wordings )

If you are on the go, or wanting to close your eyes and meditate on the, listen to the Relaxation - Affirmations here:

How to get into a relaxed, peaceful state of mind?

Let's take 5 minutes and listen to these empowering affirmations - meant to get some of the pressure of "doing it all alone" off of you.