Let's Change Our Minds

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What do you really want?

How to reflect on your current actions and (re)connect with your purpose

What is it that I really want?

I feel this is a question I should ask myself again these days. 

And I invite you to do the same. 

Actually, I know what I want. And I have known it for a while.

But sometimes, with all the hectic of the daily life I tend to forget what really is important for me. 

….and I don’t mean paying my bills, cooking dinner for my loved ones or getting this thing done for work. 

I mean, why am I here?

What is my purpose in life and am I getting closer to it daily, just a little bit?

Maybe you know this feeling..

You actually know what you want to do, what is your souls calling.

But anyhow, you find yourself not doing enough to get closer to it.

Or sometimes going all in, other times being totally caught up in „real life daily problem solving“ that this big thing you dream of doing,

being or having is settling in the back of your head to make space for the urgent stuff you need to deal with.

Fast forward a few days, or weeks, of hustling.

  • Do you still think of your big goal as much?

  • Is it still as present in your mind as it was?

  • Or are you caught up reacting to what comes at you from the outside world?

…or at least that is what it feels like ( actually, what we experience as „outside conditions“ is just a reflection of our own vibration

and therefore somewhat mirror of ourselves, but that is another topic for another time ). 

And, how, you might ask?

Under the thousands and thousands of different tools and opinions about big goals and living your dream life,

I have found the these working best for me: 

Immediate actions: 

1) Reconnecting with your vision

  • Reading an old note you made on how your life looks like

  • Taking a close look on your Vision Board if you have made one

  • Maybe even looking through old diaries and reminding yourself what you dont want to experience anymore and what you do want to live like in the future

  • Visualization: seeing yourself already having achieved your vision and feeling how happy you would be

2) Raising your vibration

  • Listening to something uplifiting, empowering, inspiring (for me that, for example, is Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Joe Dispenza) to get yourself back into an empowered mindset and an itching in your fingers to start taking action towards your dreams right now - because you are reminded of how powerful you are

  • Stop problem-thinking by deciding to to something physical that makes you feel good, makes you feel alive and activated ( could be dancing, yoga, running - whatever you feel can get you back into the present moment right now)

Preparation for staying on track: 

1) Surrounding yourself with inspiring stuff will remind you of your purpose and motivation on a day you don’t feel like going on

2) Installing accountability with likeminded people.

The concept of Masterminding has been introduced to me by Bob Proctor and has changed my life - as drastically as that may sound. Through committing to reoccurring meetings with people who brainstorm together, support each can literally sped up your growth and widen your horizon immensely.

3) Planning your day in advance makes it more likely you continue to use the now built-up momentum and also sets you free of many excuses why you cannot go on which your old belief system will come up with

I hope these insights have inspired you to reflect and get more clear on your vision. 

If you feel like you need some more information, guidance or inspiration - feel free to message me. 

Much love, 
